Interskol FM-30/430
Category:   » Construction and repair » The electrotool » Milling machines
Model: ФМ-30/430
Manufacturer: Интерскол
A type       edge
Power, W )       430
Maximum number of revolutions (rpm)       25001-30000
Milling depth (mm)       thirty
Diameter of the cartridge (mm)       6th
Adjusting the speed of rotation       Yes
spindle lock       Yes
locking the power button       Yes
Dust removal system       Yes
Smooth start       Yes
Weight, kg )       1.60
Additionally       The air cooling system protects the engine from overheating. The router platform has a special shape and fastenings, which significantly improves the accuracy of the work. A high number of turns ensures clean work and a high-quality result.
Milling machines Interskol FM-30/430
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