TravelBook eReader TX 400
Category:   » Computers » E-books. translators » E-books
Model: eReader TX 400
Manufacturer: TravelBook
Display Type       E-Ink
Display diagonal (inches)       6th
Display resolution (pixel)       600x800
Number of grayscale       16
Text       PDF, TXT, DjVu, RTF, Epub, fb2, OPF, OEB, PRC, MOBI, DJV, iw4, iw44
Graphic       JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, GIF
Sound       MP3
Other       HTML, CHM
Processor frequency (MHz)       400
Operative memory (Mb)       64
Built-in memory (MB)       2048
Memory card       Secure Digital
Maximum memory card capacity (GB)       32
Ability to charge from the network       Yes
Battery capacity (mAh)       1700
Weight (g)       228
EBooks TravelBook eReader TX 400
The site was prepared especially for the project" GOODSDOC.COM ", 2017.